MLQD Is Here To Help
Make Your Ideas A Reality
MLQD has the capacities for a multidisciplinary creative and passionate approach to bring ideas to life through various mediums. Within this portfolio, you’ll find a curated selection of work spanning across website design, graphic art, video production, and written content. Each piece is a testament to the dedication to creativity, innovation, and craftsmanship of Team at MLQD. Whether you’re looking to elevate your brand, tell a compelling story, or engage your audience, MLQD is here to help you bring your ideas to life and create something extraordinary together with you!
Step into the digital realm and explore my portfolio of website designs. Regardless of the site being a corporate website, an e-commerce platform, or a personal blog, each website showcases a blend of aesthetics with functionality to create and engaging online experiences to leave a lasting impression.

E3 Designs
An ecommerce website created with the SquareUp.com platform to sell products made with a mother's love.

MCHC Buffalo
A site created with WordPress for the Mount Calvary Holy Church of Buffalo to minister to their community.

NOI Buffalo
A Wix website created to support the effort of the NOI Mosque 23 in Buffalo, NY uplift and empower the Black communities.
Words have the power to inform, inspire, and influence and graphics like photos are worth a thousand words. Regardless of the of the project MLQ Developments aims to create thought-provoking pieces to communicate messages and raise awareness of a designated audience. Please, enjoy this exploration art and words and look to MLQ Developments for assistance promoting events, high lighting an important matter, or to create a graphics, flyers, logos, and work that moves a crowd!

Jes Breathe Flyer Design & Logo Design
A flyer design and logo revision for the Jes Breathe cancer awareness organization Walk/Ride~4 Hope to raise money for the Gina Davis Citadel.

WNYMMP Scholarship Announcement
An announcement design for Western New York Minority Media Professionals (WNYMMP) Scholarship Announcement that was awarded at their annual Banquet.

Great Day in Jazz Promotional Flyers
A digital replica design of the musician, Alvin Shepard and a magazine styled flyer design of for the celebration of the 10 anniversary of the Great Day in the Jazz.
Words have the power to inform, inspire, and influence. Regardless of the of the project you’ll find a collection of thought-provoking pieces covering a wide range of topics. Please, enjoy this exploration of words!

Get Your Website Squared Away
"Due to this website builder’s user-friendliness and inexpensive price tag, along with the popularity of the square commerce platform, this device is situated to supply needed help to small businesses that do not have large amounts of startup capital. "

Benefits of Volunteering
“ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

Big Banks Taking Little Banks!
The term “unethical” is used because the city is not legally obligated to replace the house based on their technique for delaying demolition until the housing falls into a category of houses that that can be demolished without being replaced.
Experience the power of storytelling in motion through promotional videos that drive engagement to animations that spark curiosity. Through the use of creativity and actions to understand ech customers objectives, every video is designed to captivate audiences in a manner that leaves a lasting impact.
E3 Designs Promotion
A recent video slideshow that was created by MLQ Developments for E3 Designs to share a moving testimony from a customer with prospective customers of E3 Designs. Please, check out E3designs at: www.E3Designs333.com
Redahlia Riggins Video
This video was created for Redahlia Riggins in her role with the African American Cultural Center in her efforts to enhance the education program at the Cultural Center. This video was never used by the African American Cultural Center due to Mrs. Riggin leaving to pursue other opportunities.
WNYMMP Promotion
An opportunity was afforded by WNY Minority Media Professionals to edit a video for the Sattler Theatre Capital Campaign Project. Please, make donations at the following link to support their efforts: https://www.thebroadwaytheatre.net/sattler